English Teaching Reading List


Among the texts:

The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays - by Bakhtin, Holquist, Emerson (1981)
Thinking Voices: The Work of the National Oracy Project - by Kate Norman (1982)
Words and Minds: How We Use Language to Think Together - by Neil Mercer (2000)
The Art of Teaching Secondary English: Innovative and Creative Approaches (2004)

Drafting and Assessing Poetry: A Guide for Teachers - by Sue Dymoke (2003)
Teaching English Texts 11-18 - by Sue Dymoke (2009)

Literacy: Reading the Word & the World - by Freire & Macedo (1987)

How Texts Teach What Readers Learn - by Margaret Meek (1988)

Additionally, I need to read:

Toward a Theory of Instruction - by Jerome Bruner (1966)
Common Knowledge - by D. Edwards and N. Mercer (1987)